7 ways suppress “hunger” really work

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7 ways to suppress “hunger” that really work and are good for health.

We believe that many people will have a problem with eating non-stop. hungry all day I want to eat here and there all the time. The hunger or appetite that occurs. In addition to adversely affecting health , such as weight gain It also affects your daily life. Some people may so hungry that if they don’t eat they won’t be able to concentrate on their work. when you already know Excessive hunger does more harm than good. So let’s try how to curb hunger at UFABET. Reduce appetite, these with Hello, Doctor. Guaranteed that it really works and is good for your health.

how to suppress hunger without losing health

Drink water before every meal.

Drinking a large glass of water a glass before eating each meal It will help you feel full faster. and stay more pregnant Until feeling less hungry after eating food One study of 50 overweight women found that drinking 1.5 liters of water per day for 8 weeks reduced appetite. cause weight loss It also helps reduce body fat.

Eat more high fiber foods.

Another way to suppress hunger that you should not miss is. Eating more foods that are rich in fiber or dietary fiber. Because fiber is more difficult to digest than other foods. thus allowing us to stay pregnant for longer and feeling hungry slower Some healthy, high-fiber foods we’d recommend include. Whole grains, nuts, apples, avocados, almonds, chia seeds, leafy green vegetables.

But be warned that Don’t just eat fiber alone. because if the body gets too much fiber It may cause health problems such as flatulence, flatulence.

Eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.

For anyone who is a chocolate lover We suggest you eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. or chocolate with sugar Because dark chocolate can help reduce appetite. or better suppress hunger In one study, it was found that People who eat dark chocolate as snacks will eat less at the next meal than those who eat milk chocolate

try not to stress

People tend to eat more when they’re stressed, sad, or anxious. The results of several research studies have confirmed that Stress causes people to crave food, binge eat, or eat more food that isn’t nutritious. So if you want to eat less and don’t feel hungry as often, there’s a simple way to manage stress. with enough rest Have some social interaction Don’t keep yourself alone And don’t forget to do some stress-relieving activities that you enjoy, such as watching movies, listening to music, and meditating.

exercise before eating

Exercise has a positive effect on overall health. Including helping to suppress hunger and appetite as well The results of more than 20 research studies found that exercise. especially high-intensity exercise or high-intensity exercise (HIIT) can help reduce appetite immediately after exercise. This is because it lowers the level of the hormone ghrelin (Ghrelin hormone) or the hunger hormone. And helps increase satiety hormones such as Peptide YY (Peptide YY or PYY) GLP-1 hormone (Glucagon-like peptide-1; GLP-1)

Start your meal with a soup or stew.

Experts suggest that eating bone broth or vegetable soups both hot and cold. before starting to eat the main dish can help you eat less and reduce your appetite. But you have to choose your soup wisely. Don’t eat creamy soups or soups that are high in fat. You should focus on eating soups or stewed foods that are low in calories and high in fiber, such as clear soup with chicken breast, clear soup with mixed vegetables, clear tomato soup, pork bone soup, etc.

reduce appetite by eating more protein

protein-rich foods It will help you feel full longer. eat less at the next meal It also helps reduce body fat. by research studies on weight loss that compares eating breakfast in 2 forms:
1. Eating eggs for breakfast
2. Eating bagels for breakfast
In an eight-week study, the group who ate eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight and 16% less body fat.